Expert empowers women seeking motherhood during Infertility Awareness Month

Wanting to have a baby but not being able to is something many families experience. It's why June is recognized as Infertility Awareness Month, shining a spotlight on the struggles these families face, and removing the stigma associated with infertility.

Honorine Nzom has been trying to have a baby for four years.

"I'm patient and I'm waiting," Nzom said.

The Seattle woman says when she didn't initially succeed in her journey, she was scared. It killed her confidence and optimism, constantly asking herself, "Why is this happening to me?"

But 11 months ago, Honorine met with Rosanne Austin, creator of the Fearlessly Fertile Method, and her mindset has now changed.

"I encourage women to trust themselves," Austin said.

As a former California state prosecutor, Rosanne and her husband found themselves on their own seven-year fertility journey.

"We found ourselves going into repeated rounds of IVF and trying every treatment, diet and lotion and potion we could get our hands on, but nothing was working," Austin said.

That's when she realized it was her mindset that was impacting her ability to have a baby.

"The mind and the body work together, but that’s not something that many of us are told. And this is not woo-woo, this is actual science and we can see that, we can see that in cancer patients and many people that have chronic illnesses," Austin said.

Austin says her method brings the mindset piece of the puzzle to the table, because once the mind and body start working together, it can make the seemingly impossible, possible.

"I'm living proof, I ended up being more fertile in my 40s than my 30s and I had my son when I was almost 44 naturally," Austin said.

The CDC reports that one in five couples struggle with fertility in the U.S.

Austin was one of those, which is why she now helps and supports women who face the same problems she once experienced, like Honorine, who is confident one day she'll have her own bundle of joy.

"It is possible no matter how long it takes, you just need to keep doing the work," Nzom said.


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